
I’m Meg. I’m a mama to wild two year old twin boys. I think the key to happiness lies in the ability to be present. I think that’s also the secret to the best photos, too. In fact, I’m pretty obsessed with all things presence-ing. So much so, I’m currently in a program to be certified as a mediation teacher. I have a deep reverence for THIS moment and what life looks like, right now.

I was listening to a podcast once, where Brene Brown said the thing she misses most about having young children is feeling the weight of their entire bodies on hers. That’s the lens I want to photograph your family through. I want you exactly as you are-honest, messy, real. We hear it over and over again; it goes so fast. The key to not letting things pass by is really seeing what’s here. I have a list of things I love about my boys that I know are fleeting: Willie’s extra toothy grin with three (!) front teeth (I dread the day his baby teeth fall out), the way Ted full on runs at me and tackle hugs me for no reason, that I can see the top of their heads when we walk side by side, the clammy little fist that fits completely in my hand, that they’re still small enough to carry, the laugh when they get tickled. I’ll get your list too, before we shoot, along with some other things that will help me really capture what you value about your family. I want you to be inspired by you, not a family shoot you’ve pinned on Pinterest!

Some lesser known facts about me: I love being outside as much as possible. I have two dogs, one that came with the name Sugar. I always whisper her name when they ask who I’m with at the vet, hoping no one else will hear. I love a good latte and a good taco. My retirement goal is to be a full-fledged birder, one that plans their vacations around the world based on the best bird watching.

Photos by Katie Slater Photography (my sis!)